In addition to being used as a fuel for vehicles, biofuels like bio-methanol and bio-DME are excellent fuels for gas turbines that create electricity.
Since traditional methods of reducing pollution are very expensive, it makes sense to consider the lower cost alternative of using a different fuel.
According to a GE analysis on the Feasibility of Methanol as a Gas Turbine Fuel
Methanol is an attractive future fuel for stationary gas turbine engines. Tests have shown that, with minor system modifications, methanol is a readily fired and is fully feasible as a gas turbine fuel. Relative to natural gas and distillate, methanol can achieve an improved heat rate, higher power output due to the higher mass flow, and lower NOx emissions due to the lower flame temperature. Since methanol contains no sulfur, there are no SO2 emissions.
In a real life implementation the Israel Electric Corporation demonstrated that NOx emissions were reduced by more than 75% and SO2 emissions were reduced to zero.
Another study – Status of DME as an Alternative Fuel – confirmed that dimethyl ether can be used in gas turbines
(DME) fuel that offered certain advantages over LNG, namely a lower capital cost of entry, easier to store and transport in smaller packets, does not require major re-gasification facilities and was a proven fuel in gas turbine operations with lower NOx emissions than gas.
In both cases, emissions are better than using natural gas.
And of course, the big advantage over coal fired generators, is:
No sulfur pollution
No mercury pollution
In addition, these fuels can also be used in small decentralize generators and Reformed Methanol Fuel Cells (RMFC).
Contact us to learn how you can avoid problems with regulations by converting your turbines to use our clean and competitive fuels.